Share price information
Current Share Price
Percent Change
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ASX Share Chart
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ASX Announcements
Stay up-to-date with all our share market announcements made through the Australian Stock Exchange.
About Oliver's
Founded in 2005, Oliver’s was created out of the idea that there should be a way for Australians to eat healthily when on the go. Oliver’s now operates 18 healthy quick-service restaurants along the arterial highways of Australia’s Eastern Seaboard.
The company also exclusively supplies Oliver’s Food To Go fresh and ambient products into nearly 200 Euro Garage petrol stations across Australia.
Our Leadership Team
Media Releases
For the latest Oliver’s news, articles and media releases.Corporate Governance
The Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for the overall corporate governance of Oliver’s Real Food Limited.
The Board monitors the operational and financial position and performance of Oliver’s Real Food Limited and oversees its business strategy, including approving the strategic goals of the Company and considering and approving an annual business plan, including a budget.
The Board is committed to maximising performance, generating appropriate levels of shareholder value and financial return, and sustaining the growth and success of the Oliver’s Group.
Continuous disclosure
The Company is committed to ensuring all stakeholders have equal and timely access to information made available by the company. The company is required to comply with the continuous disclosure requirements of the ASX Listing Rules and the Corporations Act.
Shareholder communications
Receiving your shareholder communications electronically is the best way to stay informed and will assist Oliver’s Real Food Limited with minimising paper usage. If you haven’t already, we encourage you to make the switch to paperless communications and provide us with your email address. To make the change, login to, add your email address via ‘My Details’ on the left-hand side of the screen and click ‘Communication Options’ to select the communication options you would like to set to email.
You can make a standing election as to how you would like to receive certain documents including annual reports, meeting-related documents (for example notices of meeting and proxy/voting forms) and payment statements.
You can also make a one-off request to receive a document in physical or electronic form by contacting the registry on
You will also be able to access Shareholder Documents such as our Annual Report, Notice of Meeting and other documents relating to shareholder meetings when they are published on our website or made available on the ASX platform.
Code of Conduct and ethics
The Company’s Code of Conduct outlines how Oliver’s expects its representatives to behave and conduct business in the workplace and includes legal compliance and guidelines on appropriate ethical standards. In addition, the Code of Conduct requires awareness of, and compliance with, laws and regulations relevant to the Company’s other policies and procedures